Several of you have asked me why I’ve started this business of college admissions counseling. In short, I really think that this is what I was always meant to do. So, let me explain...
I’ve spent much of my life wondering what work I could do to have the most impact on others. I worked with kids directly for years as a teacher and leader of after-school programs. I went to business school, and ran a large non-profit for teenagers in Chicago. I became a mom of three, and then an artist and jewelry maker. Nothing has ever felt entirely right (except the mom part).
Now that my children are older, I’ve felt an increasing need to get back to working with kids directly. When my oldest daughter started to think about college, I started to think about the numbers of teenagers in our country who don’t have access to college. I began volunteering with a local organization that works directly on this issue: Yonkers Partners in Education (YPIE), and I was hooked. I’ve worked with a number of 1st generation college students over the past few years, helping them find their voices and tell their stories. I quickly realized that I wanted to put more energy toward helping teens navigate the college experience, while reducing stress in the process.
Ah, the stress around the college process. It’s pretty insane. I love helping students and families figure out how to reduce their stress, whether by giving them the correct information they need, making a plan for getting everything done, or strategically ‘putting on blinders’ the best we can.
Having a son with a soup of learning differences (ADHD, slow processing speed, auditory processing disorder) has also made me very, very aware of the challenges that teens with learning differences face as they apply to college. Having daughters with anxiety has also made me very aware of the supports that teens with anxiety need to access and excel in college. I’m also continually thinking of the colleges that are communities of caring and collaboration that allow teens to thrive. This area has become a particular passion of mine.
I am very excited to have launched a business that allows me to help families through college admissions consulting. When I was at Kellogg getting my MBA, we had to take a career assessment. My three “highs” were coaching/mentoring, creative production, and managing people. Hurrah! That’s EXACTLY what I’m doing. I’m still making art and jewelry in my spare time, and, really, I couldn’t be more fulfilled. My dad has always said that success to him is wanting to get up in the morning and get started on your work. I finally have that feeling.
I look forward to connecting with more families and providing expertise and peace of mind through the college admission process. It really is possible!